Uniform treatment of the theory of finite state machines on finite and
infinite strings and trees. Many books deal with automata on finite
strings, but there are very few expositions that prove the fundamental
results of automata on infinite strings and trees. Beginning with
coverage of all standard fundamental results regarding finite automata,
the book deals in great detail with Büchi and Rabin automata and their
applications to various logical theories such as S1S and S2S, and
describes game-theoretic models of concurrent operating and
communication systems. Self-contained with numerous examples,
illustrations, exercises. Suitable for a two-semester undergraduate
course for computer science or math majors, or for a one-semester
graduate course/seminar. No advanced mathematical background is
required, thus the text is also useful for self-study by computer
science professionals who wish to understand the foundations of modern
formal approaches to software development, validation, and verification.