Audition Speeches for Black, South Asian and Middle Eastern Actors:
Monologues for Men aims to provide new and exciting audition and
showcase material for actors of black, African American, South Asian and
Middle Eastern heritage. Featuring the work of international
contemporary playwrights who have written powerful and diverse roles for
a range of actors, the collection is edited by Simeilia
Categorized by age-range, the monologues are collected in groups of
characters playable by actors in their teens, twenties, thirties and
forties+, and include work from over 25 top-class dramatists including
Lemn Sissay, Katori Hall, Rajiv Joseph, Philip Ridley and Naomi
Audition Speeches for Black, South Asian and Middle Eastern Actors:
Monologues for Men is the go-to resource for contemporary monologues
and speeches for auditions. Ideal for aspiring and professional actors,
it allows performers to enhance their particular strengths and prepare
for roles featuring characters of specific ethnic backgrounds.