An increasing allllo /allce because of the anthropogenically induced
ozone depletion and relevant illcrca5e of the surface ultraviolet (UV)
radiation (including erythemal part of the UV spectrum) has resulted in
the growth of interest to total ozone (TOZ) surface and satellite
observations, surface UV measurements (with an emphasis on UV -B) and.
the interpretation of observation results to assess potential impacts of
the UV radiation enhancement on man and biosphere. The significance of
this phenomenon is diJIcrent in various cowltries. Special attention has
been paid, for instance, to ozone depletion and UV radiation increase at
high latitudes (this problem has also been discussed during the
Workshop). It is equally clear, however, that low and mid-latitude
environmental dynamics requires carefuU monitoring and assessment of
environm(: ntal trends as well. Such a conclusion is especially true for
the Mediterranean Region where numerous resort places are located and
subject to excessive levels of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. This is why
the NATO Advanced Rcsearch Workshop "Ground-Level and Satellite Ozone
Observations: Changes in the Mediterranean Region" was organized and
took place in Athens (Grcccc) during the Lime period 31 October -4
November 1995. It should be pointed out, however, that presentations
discussed during the Workshop went far beyond the regional scale of
consideration. This has been very important, because it opened an
opportwlity to analyse the Mediterrane: an environmental situation in
the broader contcx1 of the European global changes.