Start, Build, and Navigate Your Training and TD Career ATD's Handbook
for Training and Talent Development is the premier resource and
compendium of everything a training and talent development (TD)
professional needs to know to start, build, and navigate a thriving
career. Now in its third edition and grounded by the Talent Development
Capability Model, this is more than a revised volume. This edition
offers an up-to-date view of the growing roles of talent development
professionals, our changing world of work, and the critical need for
business alignment. Edited by Elaine Biech, the third edition is divided
into eight sections comprising 57 chapters authored by 100 expert
practitioners--the brightest thinkers in the field--who share
foundational and advanced perspectives and information. The Handbook
dives deeply into growing professional expertise and personal skills,
virtual learning and remote work, trends affecting TD, managing
organizational and career change, growing roles in TD, and understanding
organizational impact and business alignment. Fifty online tools are
available to download, and there is also a glossary and references. TD
professionals, keep this practical, companionable volume close by; it's
the reference you will always turn to.