The book presents homogeneous solutions in static and dynamical problems
of anisotropic theory of elasticity, which are constructed for a hollow
cylinder. It also offers an asymptotic process for finding frequencies
of natural vibrations of a hollow cylinder, and establishes a
qualitative study of several applied theories of the boundaries of
Further the authors develop a general theory for a transversally
isotropic spherical shell, which includes methods for constructing
inhomogeneous and homogeneous solutions that allow the characteristic
features of the stress-strain state of an anisotropic spherical shell to
be revealed. Lastly, the book introduces an asymptotic method for
integrating the equations of anisotropic theory of elasticity in
variable thickness plates and shells.
Based on the results of the author and researchers at Baku State
University and the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, ANAS, the
book is intended for specialists in the field of theory of elasticity,
theory of plates and shells, and applied mathematics.