Assembly x64 Programming in easy steps shows how to write code to
create your own computer programs. It contains separate chapters
demonstrating how to store and manipulate data in 64-bit registers, how
to control program flow, and how to create reusable blocks of code in
program functions. It includes demonstrations of parallel processing
with 128-bit Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) and 256-bit Advanced Vector
Extensions (AVX).
Assembly x64 Programming in easy steps has an easy-to-follow style
that will appeal to anyone who wants to begin programming in modern x64
Assembly language on Windows. The code in the listed steps within the
book is color-coded, making it easier for beginners to grasp. There are
complete step-by-step example programs that demonstrate each aspect of
coding, together with screenshots that illustrate the actual output when
each program is executed.
Includes free, downloadable source code to get you started