As-tu rempli un seau aujourd'hui ? "This is a great story with a strong
message."-Cici, Customer Review Updated and revised, this 10th
anniversary edition will help readers better understand that "bucket
dipping" is a negative behavior, not a permanent label. It also explains
that it's possible to fill or dip into our own buckets. Le concept du
seau invisible et de son remplissage encourage les enfants àfaire preuve
degentillesse et de prévenance envers autrui et décourage
lescomportements inacceptables tout en leur faisant découvrir les
bienfaits des relationspositives. Publications by Bucket Fillers: -Have
You Filled a Bucket Today? -Fill a Bucket -Growing Up with a Bucket Full
of Happiness -My Bucketfilling Journal -Will You Fill My Bucket? -Bucket
Filling from A to Z -Bucket Filling from A to Z Poster Set -My Very Own
Bucket Filling from A to Z Coloring Book -BABY'S BUCKET Book -Buckets,
Dippers, and Lids