The abundance of information and increase in computing power currently
enable researchers to tackle highly complicated and challenging
computational problems. Solutions to such problems are now feasible
using advances and innovations from the area of Artificial Intelligence.
The general focus of the AIAI conference is to provide insights on how
Artificial Intelligence may be applied in real-world situations and
serve the study, analysis and modeling of theoretical and practical
issues. This volume contains papers selected for presentation at the 6th
IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations
(AIAI 2010) and held in Larnaca, Cyprus, during October 6-7, 2010. IFIP
AIAI 2010 was co-organized by the University of Cyprus and the Cyprus
University of Technology and was sponsored by the Cyprus University of
Technology, Frederick University and the Cyprus Tourism Organization.
AIAI 2010 is the official conference of the WG12.5 "Artificial Intel-
gence Applications" working group of IFIP TC12, the International
Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee on Artificial
Intelligence (AI). AIAI is a conference that grows in significance every
year attracting researchers from different countries around the globe.
It maintains high quality, standards and welcomes research papers
describing technical advances and engineering and ind- trial
applications of intelligent systems. AIAI 2010 was not confined to
introducing how AI may be applied in real-life situations, but also
included innovative methods, techniques, tools and ideas of AI expressed
at the algorithmic or systemic level.