Making photos is fun and creative, and we have an amazing artist's tool
in our pocket or bag at all times--the iPhone! See how to deliver
amazing compositions using techniques that will make your images pop!
Learn how to create photos that appear contemporary or in the
traditional artist materials like frescos, watercolor, mosaics, oils,
block prints, pen and ink, colored pencil, photo realism, and more. This
book gives the reader an assortment of techniques that will encourage
burgeoning talents. Basic and easy techniques are illustrated in
short-and-to-the-point segments. Methods and strategies for image
manipulation and refinement are explained. You can turn your images into
something new and different or to look like historic art styles.
Creative techniques covers composition, design elements, image
adjustments, styles, layers, double exposure, and more. It's easy, fun,
and inspiring for every skill level.