Read along and learn some polite ways to interact with people from all
over the world. Whether you and your children travel abroad or stay
right at home, a few key words could be the ticket to understanding
other cultures. Come along as we follow the map around the world and
learn how to say Hello, Good-bye, Please and Thank You in 18 languages.
When you travel it is a wonderful thing to show respect for the people
and customs of the countries you visit. One easy way to do that is to
learn a few simple words or phrases from their local language. You will
receive lots of praise and encouragement when you know a few polite
things to say. People open up and interact on a much different level if
you give their language a try. This book gives a fantastic start to a
few languages around the world, and is a great jumping off point to
teach children about other languages and cultures.
--Vanita Oelschlager