After travel through Alaska during the Second World War, in 1947 I went
to Barrow with a very lively group of biologists. From their productive
research developed the Arctic Research Laboratory. While we examined the
rather surpris- ingly modest metabolic rates of arctic warmblooded
animals in cold, PER SCHO- LANDER proposed and then carried out
measurements of metabolism of some tropi- cal animals in Panama. The
differences could be formulated to show the basis of adaptation to
arctic cold and to tropical warmth. Imagination and logic were required
to formulate the comparison so that it could become a part of science,
but the essential measurements were derived from animals and plants in
their own arctic and tropical environments. Characteristics that adapt
the forms of life to climatic conditions of various environments appear
clear in the large dimensions of extremely differing climates. At the
time of my arrival in Alaska many of the arctic Eskimos were still
largely dependent on natural resources of their immediate and local
environment, in which great seasonal changes in temperature and solar
radiation appeared as dominant factors. The living environment on which
they subsisted was also mar- kedly affected by the changes of the
seasons, in particular by the change in state of water to ice that
terminated summer and by the melting that brought the late transition
from winter to summer.