(Music Sales America). This Spanish edition features three books, three
CDs, and a DVD. Learn how to play the piano with this easy, illustrated
guide. Covers everything from reading music and playing chords and
scales, to performing your first song. The DVD has been exclusively
designed for people from both Latin America and Spain, and guides you a
thorough beginner piano lesson in a step-by-step manner. Award-winning
educator Inti alejandra Viana guides you through the basics of the piano
including how to play many Latin American folk songs. Este curso
completo le ensenara a tocar el teclado de una forma mas facil. Contiene
todo acerca de leer musica, tocar acordes y escalas, hasta interpretar
su primera cancion. Este gran paquete contiene: tres libros y discos
compactos Aprende Ya! A Tocar Piano; Primer Paso: Escalas Para Teclado;
Primer Paso: Acordes Para Teclado Ademes la ventaja de un DVD. Incluye
todo lo necesario!