Primary Audience for the Book - Specialists in numerical computations
who are interested in algorithms with automatic result verification. -
Engineers, scientists, and practitioners who desire results with
automatic verification and who would therefore benefit from the
experience of suc- cessful applications. - Students in applied
mathematics and computer science who want to learn these methods. Goal
Of the Book This book contains surveys of applications of interval
computations, i. e., appli- cations of numerical methods with automatic
result verification, that were pre- sented at an international workshop
on the subject in EI Paso, Texas, February 23-25, 1995. The purpose of
this book is to disseminate detailed and surveyed information about
existing and potential applications of this new growing field. Brief
Description of the Papers At the most fundamental level, interval
arithmetic operations work with sets: The result of a single arithmetic
operation is the set of all possible results as the operands range over
the domain. For example, [0. 9,1. 1] + [2. 9,3. 1] = [3. 8,4. 2],
where [3. 8,4. 2] = {x + ylx E [0. 9,1. 1] and y E [3. 8,4. 2]}.
The power of interval arithmetic comes from the fact that (i) the
elementary operations and standard functions can be computed for
intervals with formulas and subroutines; and (ii) directed roundings can
be used, so that the images of these operations (e. g.