In the past twenty years there have been many new developments in the
study of animal behaviour: for example, more sophisticated methods of
neurophysiology; more precise techniques for assessing hormonal levels;
more accurate methods for studying animals in the wild; and, on the
functional side, the growth of behavioural ecology with its use of
optimality theory and game theory. In addition, there has been a
burgeoning number of studies on a wide range of species. The study of
aggression has benefited greatly from these develop- ments; this is
reflected in the appearance of a number of specialized texts, both on
behavioural ecology and on physiology and genetics. However, these books
have often been collections of papers by spe- cialists for specialists.
No one book brings together for the non- specialist all the diverse
aspects of aggression, including behavioural ecology, genetics,
development, evolution and neurophysiology. Neither has there been a
comparative survey dealing with all these aspects. Therefore one of our
aims in writing this book was to fill in these gaps. Another of our aims
was to put aggression into context with respect to other aspects of an
animal's lifestyle and in particular to other ways in which animals deal
with conflicts of interest. Aggressive behaviour does not occur in a
biological vacuum. It both influences and is influenced by the animal's
ecological and social environment, so we consider both the complex
antecedent conditions in which aggressive behaviour occurs, and its
ramifying consequences in the ecosystem.