The 132 drawings catalogued document most of the major examples of
ancient Roman pictorial art known to seventeenth-century Rome. They
include early finding such as the Aldobrandini Wedding, the Nile mosaic
from Palestrina, tha marble pictures from the Basilica of Junius Bassus,
and later finds such as the Harbour Landscape (found in 1668) and the
Tomb of Nasonii (1674). Detailed accounts are given of the discoveries,
and a general introduction assesses the significance of the Cassiano
assemblage within the wider context of contemporary antiquarian interest
in ancient painting, its collectors and copyists. Cataogue entries
describe and discuss the drawings in graet detail, relating them to the
original mosaics and wallpaintings as they survive in their present
state of preservation. All drawings catalogued are reproduced, mostly on
a large scale and mostly in full colour. They are frequently accompanied
by illustrations, also in colour, of the ancient originals.