During the last half century there has been revolutionary progress in
logic and in logic-related areas such as linguistics. HistoricaI
knowledge of the origins of these subjects has also increased
significantly. Thus, it would seem that the problem of determining the
extent to which ancient logical and linguistic theories admit of
accurate interpretation in modern terms is now ripe for investigation.
The purpose of the symposium was to gather logicians, philosophers,
linguists, mathematicians and philologists to present research results
bearing on the above problem with emphasis on logic. Presentations and
discussions at the symposium focused themselves into five areas: ancient
semantics, modern research in ancient logic, Aristotle's logic, Stoic
logic, and directions for future research in ancient logic and
logic-related areas. Seven of the papers which appear below were
originally presented at the symposium. In every case, discussion at the
symposium led to revisions, in some cases to extensive revisions. The
editor suggested still further revisions, but in every case the author
was the finaljudge of the work that appears under his name.