As an author and a Systems Consultant, I am excited about the draft
diagrammatical techniques described in this book. They are proving their
worth in a troublesome area of systematic data processing: the
analysis/definition of what a new or a converted system should do if it
is to be of most value to the people who are paying for it. In writing
this book, the author distinguishes the work of analysis (defining what
the system 'will' do) from the work of design (defining 'how' it will do
it), recognising that analysts often design and designers often do
analysis. The author's idea of using draft hand drawn diagrams during
the initial design of every stage of the system development is what is
actually included in this book. All the examples of the diagrams shown
are hand written. The system and its diagrams are based on a system
developed by the author for a corporation. The discipline consists of an
evolving set of techniques which have grown out of the success of
structured analysis and the use of diagrams.