Knowledge of flow resistance for different flow conditions helps for
better understanding of water resources problems, such as flood routing,
channel enhancement, backwater curve computation, and scouring.In
studies of flow with suspended sediment two issues often raised are the
effect of suspended sediment on velocity distribution and flow
resistance. The material going into suspension changes the flow and
fluid characteristics and, as such, influence on the resistance to flow.
So it is needed to check the effect of suspended sediments on flow depth
for exact design of channel. Accurate flow resistance values may improve
the channel design and help in deciding depths of the channels. At the
end of this book, a list of references has been given that would helps
the readers for further reading.Final results are presented in this book
and recommendations were drawn for researchers and planners. The authors
appreciate the efforts of Barthlemy Chaton and his team in facilitating
and highly acknowledge publishing of it by VDM Publishing House Ltd.,
for technical knowledge sharing internationally.