This book presents broadly applicable methods for the large deviation
and moderate deviation analysis of discrete and continuous time
stochastic systems. A feature of the book is the systematic use of
variational representations for quantities of interest such as
normalized logarithms of probabilities and expected values. By
characterizing a large deviation principle in terms of Laplace
asymptotics, one converts the proof of large deviation limits into the
convergence of variational representations. These features are
illustrated though their application to a broad range of discrete and
continuous time models, including stochastic partial differential
equations, processes with discontinuous statistics, occupancy models,
and many others. The tools used in the large deviation analysis also
turn out to be useful in understanding Monte Carlo schemes for the
numerical approximation of the same probabilities and expected values.
This connection is illustrated through the design and analysis of
importance sampling and splitting schemes for rare event estimation. The
book assumes a solid background in weak convergence of probability
measures and stochastic analysis, and is suitable for advanced graduate
students, postdocs and researchers.