State-of-the-art analogue integrated circuit design is receiving a
tremendous boost from the development and application of current-mode
approaches, which are rapidly superseding traditional voltage-mode
techniques. This activity is linked to important advances in integrated
circuit technologies, such as the 'true' complementary bipolar process;
CMOS VLSI technology, which allows realisation of high-performance mixed
analogue and digital circuits; and gallium arsenide processing, which
has matured to a point where it can be used effectively in high-speed
analogue circuit and system design. In this book, all three technologies
are represented, with key building blocks, circuit designs and
applications. Many very important, but recent, techniques are presented,
including switched-current techniques for high-precision filtering and
A/D and D/A conversion, current-based amplifying techniques, and neural
networks. Translinear principles, current mirrors, and the current
conveyor are also covered. This book draws together contributions from
the world's most eminent analogue IC designers to provide, for the first
time, a comprehensive text devoted to this important and exciting new
area of analogue electronics.