Integrated circuit technology is widely used for the full integration of
electronic systems. In general, these systems are realized using digital
techniques implemented in CMOS technology. The low power dissipation,
high packing density, high noise immunity, ease of design and the
relative ease of scaling are the driving forces of CMOS technology for
digital applications. Parts of these systems cannot be implemented in
the digital domain and will remain analog. In order to achieve complete
system integration these analog functions are preferably integrated in
the same CMOS technology. An important class of analog circuits that
need to be integrated in CMOS are analog filters.
This book deals with very high frequency (VHF) filters, which are
filters with cut-off frequencies ranging from the low megahertz range to
several hundreds of megahertz. Until recently the maximal cut-off
frequencies of CMOS filters were limited to the low megahertz range. By
applying the techniques presented in this book the limit could be pushed
into the true VHF domain, and integrated VHF filters become feasible.
Application of these VHF filters can be found in the field of
communication, instrumentation and control systems. For example, pre and
post filtering for high-speed AD and DA converters, signal
reconstruction, signal decoding, etc. The general design philosophy used
in this book is to allow only the absolute minimum of signal carrying
nodes throughout the whole filter.
This strategy starts at the filter synthesis level and is extended to
the level of electronic circuitry. The result is a filter realization in
which all capacitators (including parasitics) have a desired function.
The advantage of this technique is that high frequency parasitic effects
(parasitic poles/zeros) are minimally present.
The book is a reference for engineers in research or development, and is
suitable for use as a text for advanced courses on the subject. >