Hardware description languages (HDL) such as VHDL and Verilog have found
their way into almost every aspect of the design of digital hardware
systems. Since their inception they gradually proved to be an essential
part of modern design methodologies and design automation tools, ever
exceeding their original goals of being description and simulation
languages. Their use for automatic synthesis, formal proof, and testing
are good examples.
So far, HDLs have been mainly dealing with digital systems. However,
integrated systems designed today require more and more analog parts
such as A/D and D/A converters, phase locked loops, current mirrors,
The verification of the complete system therefore asks for the use of a
single language. Using VHDL or Verilog to handle analog descriptions is
possible, as it is shown in this book, but the real power is coming from
true mixed-signal HDLs that integrate discrete and continuous semantics
into a unified framework. Analog HDLs (AHDL) are considered here a
subset of mixed-signal HDLs as they intend to provide the same level of
features as HDLs do but with a scope limited to analog systems, possibly
with limited support of discrete semantics.
Analog and Mixed-Signal Hardware Description Languages covers several
aspects related to analog and mixed-signal hardware description
languages including:
The use of a digital HDL for the description and the simulation of
analog systems The emergence of extensions of existing standard HDLs
that provide true analog and mixed-signal HDLs.
The use of analog and mixed-signal HDLs for the development of
behavioral models of analog (electronic) building blocks (operational
amplifier, PLL) and for the design of microsystems that do not only
involve electronic parts.
The use of a front-end tool that eases the description task with the
help of a graphical paradigm, yet generating AHDL descriptions
Analog and Mixed-Signal Hardware Description Languages is the first
book to show how to use these new hardware description languages in the
design of electronic components and systems. It is necessary reading for
researchers and designers working in electronic design.