This first-of-a-kind textbook provides computational tools in
state-of-the-art OOPs Python that are fundamental to quantum
information, quantum computing, linear algebra and one-dimensional spin
half condensed matter systems. Over 104 subroutines are included, and
the codes are aided by mathematical comments to enhance clarity.
Suitable for beginner and advanced readers alike, students and
researchers will find this textbook to be a helpful guide and a
compendium which they can readily use.
Includes over 104 codes in OOPs Python, all of which can be used
either as a standalone program or integrated with any other main
program without any issues.
Every parameter in the input, output and execution has been provided
while keeping both beginner and advanced users in mind.
The output of every program is explained thoroughly with detailed
Detailed mathematical commenting is done alongside the code which
enhances clarity about the flow and working of the code.