Can a scandalized heiress...
Beatrice Goodwin left Manhattan a duchess and has returned a divorcée,
ready to seize control of her fate and the family business. Goodwin's
Department Store, once the pinnacle of fashion, has fallen from favor
thanks to Dalton's, its glamorous competitor across the street. But this
rivalry has a distinctly personal edge...
And a self-made tycoon...
For Wes Dalton, Beatrice has always been the one--the one who broke his
young heart by marrying a duke, and now, the one whose cherished store
he plans to buy, just so he can destroy it. It's the perfect revenge
against a family who believed he'd never be good enough for their
daughter--until Beatrice's return complicates everything...
Find happily ever after at last?
While Goodwin's and Dalton's duel to be the finest store in Gilded Age
Manhattan, Beatrice and Wes succumb to a desire that has only deepened
with time. Adversaries by day, lovers by night, both will soon have to
decide which is sweeter: winning the battle or thoroughly losing their