America's Secret Government is an archive of and
how state power will always win and do whatever it can to destroy you if
you wrong think in society, ever been honeypotted in a hotel and been
told by the guard after spotting the LED's about Secret Courts based on
the District of London/Columbia or the Act of 1871 where we are a
corporation in the USA, plus in other countries such as Canada the CSIS
gladly overvolts your stuff without a warrant, in the USA we have
Direted SCALAR for that. We all have Cestui Que Vie 1666 Act accounts
while born on earth and go by UCC Code which is based on Vatican Roman
Law. One World Government and Fiat Usury Currency is nothing new,
Martians Started the God Myth, Zionism/Freemasonry/Jewish & Italian
Crime Networks run us, 95% of LES is Freemasonry based.