This book charts the history of the US airlifter from its origins in
World War II to today's transport giants. In doing so, it reveals and
describes numerous designs which never saw the light of day, examining
the thinking behind them and giving insights into why they did, or did
not, succeed.
In many ways, this untold story of aviation history reflects both the
changing face of conflict and the exercise of geo-political power; it
has also had a major bearing on the development of civil aviation.
The book has been made possible by the authors being given unprecedented
access to major aerospace company archives, uncovering scores of design
proposals which have never previously been revealed. It is profusely
illustrated, much in full color, with artwork and three-view drawings
extracted from manufacturers' archives and with photographs of original
project models.
As well as describing how airlifters were progressively developed to
meet ever-more demanding military transport requirements, the book looks
at other roles for which they were adapted, from nuclear test-beds to
Space Shuttle carriers.
This previously untold story describes more than 200 unknown, or little
known, designs, and contains more than 400 illustrations detailing some
of the largest and most incredible aircraft ever conceived.