The region of Alsace, located between the hereditary enemies of France
and Germany, served as a trophy of war four times between 1870-1945.
With each shift, French and German officials sought to win the
allegiance of the local populace. In response to these pressures,
Alsatians invoked regionalism--articulated as a political language, a
cultural vision, and a community of identity--not only to define and
defend their own interests against the nationalist claims of France and
Germany, but also to push for social change, defend religious rights,
and promote the status of the region within the larger national
community. Alsatian regionalism however, was neither unitary nor
unifying, as Alsatians themselves were divided politically, socially,
and culturally. The author shows that the Janus-faced character of
Alsatian regionalism points to the ambiguous role of regional identity
in both fostering and inhibiting loyalty to the nation. Finally, the
author uses the case of Alsace to explore the traditional designations
of French civic nationalism versus German ethnic nationalism and argues
for the strong similarities between the two countries' conceptions of