Learn to play mandolin and open up a brand new world of musical
knowledge with this exciting method from Alfred Music. Beginners of all
ages can start their journey to a lifetime of musical enjoyment. When
you start Alfred's Teach Yourself to Play Mandolin, you will learn about
the history of the mandolin, the parts of the instrument, how to use
picks, how to tune it, and learn about standard musical notation. Notes,
scales, and songs are introduced lesson by lesson to gradually increase
your ever-growing knowledge of reading and understanding standard
musical notation. You will learn important mandolin techniques such as
tremolo, cross picking, and more. The book also features a chord
dictionary and a library of accompaniment strums.
This best-selling book is now available with a DVD and CD. The DVD
includes video lessons and performances for everything in the book, and
also includes the TNT 2 audio player that lets you adjust the tempo and
pitch, and isolate parts. The CD includes audio performances of every
exercise and song. It plays in your CD player or you can download the
tracks to your PC. Upon completion of the book, you will be able to play
your favorite songs on the mandolin, know how to read music, and play
with a musical group in many different styles, including folk, blues,
country, and even pop.
Be your own teacher, and let Alfred Music be your resource every step of
the way.