Alexa is Stealing Your Job is a guided tour of where the world has
been with artificial intelligence and how it affects the future of
Artificial intelligence is taking over. Ask Alexa to call a client or
confirm your schedule for the day and she does just that immediately.
Ask her a question, give her a command, or just share a joke together,
and she becomes your new best employee. A conversation with Alexa can
nix the need for millions of front-line workers. Today's companies must
keep up with artificial intelligence to keep their customers, and
today's employees must find new ways to provide value to their companies
if they want to keep their job. Author and speaker Rhonda Scharf shows
readers how a willingness to adapt to the new normal keeps both
businesses and their employees relevant in these changing times. Alexa
Is Stealing Your Job reveals what the future entails by diving into the
world of AI and exploring how it impacts lives, careers, and the future.