1. PURPOSE. To provide changes to the Coast Guard's Aids to Navigation
Manual - Administration, COMDTINST M16500.7A. 2. ACTION. All Coast Guard
unit commanders, commanding officers, officers-in-charge,
deputy/assistant commandants, and chiefs of headquarters staff elements
shall comply with the provisions of this Commandant Change Notice.
Internet release is authorized. 3. DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. With the
incorporation of this Commandant Change Notice, the Coast Guard's Aids
to Navigation Manual - Administration, COMDTINST M16500.7A is updated.
4. DISCLAIMER. This guidance is not a substitute for applicable legal
requirements, nor is it itself a rule. It is intended to provide
operational guidance for Coast Guard personnel and is not intended to
nor does it impose legally-binding requirements on any party outside the
Coast Guard. 5. MAJOR CHANGES. The Commandant Change Notice announces
the Coast Guard will no longer print copies of the Coast Guard Light