The latest publication of the International Journal for Egyptian
Archaeology and Related Disciplines contains sixteen articles which
include archaeological, iconographic and scientific reports and cover a
wide geographical area. Subjects include: a Minoan frieze from Tell el
Dab'a; a concise guide to Marl C-Pottery; the controversy surrounding
the chronology of Aegean tephra; Africans within Minoan iconography;
craftsmen during the Aegean and East Mediterranean Bronze Age; the
second preliminary report on excavations at Tell el-Ajjul in 2000; the
export of statues from Egypt; Nubian pottery; building inscriptions from
Tell el-Dab'a; a commemorative scarab of Amenhotep III from Beit-Shean;
the language of the Keftiu from Egyptian sources; a Phoenician shield;
Iron Age relations between Egypt and the Southern Levant; the titles of
Syrian-Anatolian kings in Egyptian texts. Ten papers in English, six in