"This brilliantly animated, wonderfully written comic is such a fun
read! I loved it and highly recommend it." -- Rebecca Quinn aka Becky
Lynch, Professional Wrestler
DING DING DING! Enter the wrestling ring in this all-new graphic novel
from Wrapped Up creators Dave Scheidt and Scoot McMahon!
The Agents of S.L.A.M. aren't your average professional wrestlers.
They're led by the fearless and famous Bruno Bravado and work for the
president of the United States to protect people from all kinds of
threats--both on Earth and in space! And they've just been joined by
their newest recruit, Katie Jones, a twelve-year-old wrestling vlogger
who just might know more about wrestling than the wrestlers themselves.
S.L.A.M. will need Katie's knowledge and skills if they're going to keep
protecting Earth, especially when their toughest rival challenges them!