Non-syndromic agenesis of the corpus callosum is a rare congenital
disorder that has not been described or documented in Iraq. In this
book, two Iraqi infants with non-syndromic agenesis of the corpus
callosum are described. One infant had the isolated type and the second
infant had agenesis of the corpus callosum associated with colpocephaly.
Both infants had the clinical features of the syndrome resulting from
the associated failure of neuronal migration including hypotonia with
poor spontaneous movements, and poor head control, and no response to
voice. The infant with corpus callosum associated with colpocephaly was
treated with a novel therapeutic approach aiming at improving brain
functions and accelerating development. She received two medications
given by intramuscular injections in five successive therapeutic courses
over three months period. Treatment was associated with significant
improvement. The second patient didn't receive any specific therapy
during three months of observation and he didn't show any obvious
improvement despite he didn't have colpocephaly.