Post-traumatic stress disorder -- aka PTSD or simply "trauma" -- is a
growing problem, with adults and children today affected by threats of
terror; combat in the Middle East; and social, economic, and personal
crises. It is a hidden disease affecting ten percent of the population
-- many whether they know it or not. This book explains how PTSD arises,
how to recognize its effects, and how to stabilize and recover from it,
focusing on three areas: how to cope, how to help children and other
loved ones, and how to recover happiness. Based on 18 years of field
experience and practice, the author provides specific suggestions for
handling trauma reactions like anger, anxiety, and withdrawal; discusses
how to work through long-term effects; and includes numerous case
examples and guidelines for self-help. Accessible and timely, his book
speaks to healthcare professionals, military families, and anyone
seeking coping strategies in the current world climate.