Conceived to give readers the principles and the tools to create
successful advertisements in a variety of mediums, this book is a
detailed exploration of how visual and verbal elements of design work
together to solve a business goal.
Effective visual and verbal design solutions are more than just a good
idea; they are purposeful, on-target, on-strategy, and recognizable no
matter where, or in what form, they appear. Success depends on creative
teams' understanding of ideation, layout, type, color, varied image
formats, copywriting, media advantages and limitations, and production
procedures for varied media formats. The step-by-step approach of this
book goes beyond broad theoretical discussions on copy and design.
Instead, the book dissects the creative process into individualized and
detailed discussions both creative and non-creative students alike can
understand and employ. This book is ideal as a textbook for design
courses within programs in advertising, graphic design, integrated
marketing communication, strategic marketing, entrepreneurship,
business, and mass communication.
Accompanying the text are online materials for instructors: lecture
slides, a testbank, and an instructor manual.