In recent years, there has been steady increase in the interest shown in
both big data analytics and the use of information technology (IT)
solutions to improve healthcare services. Despite the growing interest,
there are limited materials, to addressing the needs and challenges
posed by the activities and processes including the use of big data.
From IT solutions' perspectives, this book aims to advance the
deployment and use of big data analytics to increase patients' big data
usefulness and improve healthcare service delivery.
The book provides significant insights and useful guide on how to access
and manage big data, in improving healthcare service delivery. The book
contributes a fresh perspective, which primarily comes from the
complementary use of analytics approach with actor-network theory (ANT),
and other techniques, in advancing healthcare service delivery.
Accessing and managing healthcare big data have always been a
challenging exercise. Due to the sensitivity of the health sector, the
focus on patients' big data is from either technical or social
perspective. Thus, the book employs sociotechnical theories, ANT and
structuration theory (ST) as lenses to examine and explain the factors
that enable and constrain the use of patients' big data for health
services. By doing so, the book brings a different dimension and advance
health service delivery.
Providing a timely and important contribution to this critical area,
this book is a valuable, international resource for academics,
postgraduate students and researchers in the areas of IT, big data
analytics, data management and health informatics.