This series has been directed at providing scientists possessing
considerable bio- chemical background with specialized reviews of
neurobiological interest. Some have dealt with completed bodies of
research, while others consist of extensive reports of research in
progress, judged to be of current interest to the active researcher. We
have selected recognized scientists and allowed them freedom to reflect
and speculate in the field in which they have achieved prom- inence. We
note with sadness the passing of Dr. 10rdi FoIch-Pi, who served as an
advisory editor when the series was initiated. He played a central role
in the development of neurochemistry, as well as the creation of
professional societies and journals. He will be remembered fondly by all
those whose lives he touched. The editors acknowledge the cooperation of
the Upjohn Company in the preparation of the color plate included in
this volume. We also acknowledge the skillful editorial assistance of
Dr. Kenneth C. Leskawa. We are pleased to honor the retirement of Dr. E.
Martin Gal, a former advisory editor of Advances, with the inclusion of
a chapter by him in this volume.