This book focuses on the approximation of nonlinear equations using
iterative methods. Nine contributions are presented on the construction
and analysis of these methods, the coverage encompassing convergence,
efficiency, robustness, dynamics, and applications. Many problems are
stated in the form of nonlinear equations, using mathematical modeling.
In particular, a wide range of problems in Applied Mathematics and in
Engineering can be solved by finding the solutions to these equations.
The book reveals the importance of studying convergence aspects in
iterative methods and shows that selection of the most efficient and
robust iterative method for a given problem is crucial to guaranteeing a
good approximation. A number of sample criteria for selecting the
optimal method are presented, including those regarding the order of
convergence, the computational cost, and the stability, including the
dynamics. This book will appeal to researchers whose field of interest
is related to nonlinear problems and equations, and their approximation.