Advances in Bistatic Radar updates and extends bistatic and
multistatic radar developments since the publication of Willis'
Bistatic Radar in 1991. New and recently declassified military
applications are documented, civil applications are detailed including
commercial and scientific systems and leading radar engineers provide
expertise to each of these applications. Advances in Bistatic Radar
consists of two major sections: Bistatic/Multistatic Radar Systems and
Bistatic Clutter and Signal Processing. Starting with a history update,
the first section documents the early and now declassified military
AN/FPS-23 Fluttar DEW-Line Gap-filler, and high frequency (HF) bistatic
radars developed for missile attack warning. It then documents the
recently developed passive bistatic and multistatic radars exploiting
commercial broadcast transmitters for military and civilian air
surveillance. Next, the section documents scientific bistatic radar
systems for planetary exploration, which have exploited data link
transmitters over the last forty years; ionospheric measurements, again
exploiting commercial broadcast transmitters; and 3-D wind field
measurements using a bistatic receiver hitchhiking off doppler weather
radars. This last application has been commercialized. The second
section starts by documenting the full, unclassified bistatic clutter
scattering coefficient data base, along with the theory and analysis
supporting its development. The section then details two major
clutter-related developments, spotlight bistatic synthetic aperture
radar (SAR), which can now generate high resolution images using
bistatic autofocus and related techniques; and adaptive moving target
indication (MTI), which allows cancellation of nonstationary clutter
generated by moving (i.e. airborne) platforms through the use of
bistatic space-time adaptive processing (STAP).