Addressing Social Issues in the Classroom and Beyond: The Pedagogical
Efforts of Pioneers in the Field is comprised of essays that delineate
the genesis and evolution of the thought and work of pioneers in the
field of social issues and education. The authors (many of whom,
themselves, are noted professors of education and who have done
significant work in the field of social issues and education) delineate
and analyze the efforts (e.g., theoretical work, research, curriculum
development, and teaching) of such pioneers within the larger framework
of their life-story. As a result, the reader is not only introduced to
the significant work of each pioneer but valuable and often fascinating
insights into how his/her life experiences informed his/her thinking,
beliefs, goals and work. This book constitutes a rich and unusual record
of the thinking and accomplishments of those luminaries who worked
tirelessly in the belief that a well-educated and well-informed populace
was absolutely imperative in a democracy if the latter were to remain
healthy and vibrant. Beyond current scholars and students, we believe
that this book will be of great interest to a wide spectrum of
individuals: teacher educators who perceive the need to avail their
students of the rich history, rationales and methods for incorporating
the study of social issues across the curriculum; professors who teach
history of curriculum courses and/or history of education courses are
likely to be drawn to the book, both for the rich stories as well as the
bounty of information found in each chapter; those who specialize in
autobiographical studies in the field of education are likely to find
the book to be remarkably rich and valuable both for their own research
as well as in their teaching; secondary level teachers in science,
social studies, and English who are interested in incorporating the
study of social issues into the courses they teach will glean incredibly
rich insights into why and how to go about such an endeavor; and future
scholars and students who care deeply about how society impacts
education, education impacts society, and how individuals and groups can
have a positive impact on society through their collective efforts are
bound to find the book both fascinating and instructive.