For many astronomers, Adaptive Optics is something like a dream coming
true. Sinee 1609 and the first observations of celestial bodies
performed with the help of an optieal teleseope, astronomers have always
fighted to improve the 'resolving power' of their instruments. For a
long time, engineers have trimmed the optieal quality of the teleseopes,
until they finally reaehed the barrier set by the atmospherie
turbulence, a few seconds of are. At that point, the intrinsic quality
of the site beeame a major issue to establish new observatories with
modern telescopes, and astronomers started to desert the urban skies and
to migrate toward mountains and deserts. This quest has been sueeessful
and a few privileged sites, where the average natural 'seeing' is close
to 0. 5", are now hosting clusters of giant telescopes of the 4 m and
soon 10 m class. Yet, this atmospherie limit corresponds in the visible
wavelength range to the diffraetion limit of a 20 em telescope only. The
loss was severe: a faetor 20 in angular and several hundred in peak
energy eoncentration, i. e. in deteetivity of resolution very faint
objeets. In the beginning of the seventies, two doors half opened to
provide a way out of this dead-end. First, the technique of speckle
interferometry (and its various related developments) has allowed to
restore the diffraetion limit of large telescopes at visible and
infrared wavelengths (see, e. g.