Adaptation Before Cinema highlights a range of pre-cinematic media
forms, including theater, novelization, painting and illustration,
transmedia art, children's media, and other literary and visual culture.
The book expands the primary scholarly audience of adaptation studies
from film and media scholars to literary scholars and cultural critics
working across a range of historical periods, genres, forms, and media.
In doing so, it underscores the creative diversity of cultural
adaptation practiced before cinema came to dominate the critical
conversation on adaptation. Collectively, the chapters construct
critical bridges between literary history and contemporary media
studies, foregrounding diverse practices of adaptation and providing a
platform for innovative critical approaches to adaptation,
appropriation, or transmedia storytelling popular from the Middle Ages
through the invention of cinema. At the same time, they illustrate how
these forms of adaptation not only influenced the cinematic adaptation
industry of the twentieth century but also continue to inform adaptation
practices in the twenty-first century transmedia landscape. Written by
scholars with expertise in historical, literary, and cultural
scholarship ranging from the medieval period through the nineteenth
century, the chapters use discourses developed in contemporary
adaptation studies to shed new lights on their respective historical
fields, authors, and art forms.