Most research methods are too impractical and painstaking for educators.
Teachers and administrators at all levels--elementary, secondary, and
university--need a simple, yet powerful book on conducting action
research as a viable method for making educational improvements. This
user-friendly book covers the principles and history of action research,
ethical and legal considerations, how to conduct both formal and
informal action research, data collection methods, data analysis and
interpretation, planning and initiating action, and evaluating the
results of action. Illustrations are included in each chapter.
Features: - A procedure model for using action research in the school
environment. - A model of action research with examples. - A
comprehensive description of how action research varies from the use of
qualitative and quantitative research methodology. - Examples of
benchmarking techniques that can aid an educator in using action
research. - Examples of how to conduct literature reviews. - A detailed
explanation of collecting data and analyzing this data in a practical
manner. - Practical tips and strategies to analyze data using basic
statistical methods. - Samples of teacher action research projects and
references. - How to construct graphs using Microsoft Excel. - Methods
of evaluating action research. - Explanation of how to conduct a formal
action research proposal. - Strategies in conducting interviews and
surveys. Designed for elementary and secondary teachers and
administrators as a practical guide, and for university professors as a
required textbook or supplemental book.