It was already in 1964 [Fis66] when B. Fischer raised the question:
Which finite groups can be generated by a conjugacy class D of
involutions, the product of any two of which has order 1, 2 or 37 Such a
class D he called a class of 3-tmnspositions of G. This question is
quite natural, since the class of transpositions of a symmetric group
possesses this property. Namely the order of the product (ij)(kl) is 1,
2 or 3 according as {i, j} n {k, l} consists of 2,0 or 1 element. In
fact, if I{i, j} n {k, I}1 = 1 and j = k, then (ij)(kl) is the 3-cycle
(ijl). After the preliminary papers [Fis66] and [Fis64] he succeeded
in [Fis71J, [Fis69] to classify all finite "nearly" simple groups
generated by such a class of 3-transpositions, thereby discovering three
new finite simple groups called M(22), M(23) and M(24). But even more
important than his classification theorem was the fact that he
originated a new method in the study of finite groups, which is called
"internal geometric analysis" by D. Gorenstein in his book: Finite
Simple Groups, an Introduction to their Classification. In fact D.
Gorenstein writes that this method can be regarded as second in
importance for the classification of finite simple groups only to the
local group-theoretic analysis created by J. Thompson.