Can you make it as a professional speaker? Knowing how to deliver a
great presentation is obviously important, but truly understanding how
the speaking industry really works is probably even more important. What
do you need to know to deal with event promoters? What can you do to
take control of the room and not let the unexpected derail your
presentation? Should you pursue the fee or free speaking model? What
about technology? What do they mean by 'buying units.' And so much more.
In "ABCs of Speaking" industry insiders Adryenn Ashley (the "A"), Bret
Ridgway (the "B") and Caterina Rando (the "C") share their combined
decades of experience from both the platform and the promoter
perspectives. They pull back the curtains and give you a sneak peek into
how the speaking world really works. You'll learn how to build a
profitable speaking business that allows you to more effectively build
your platform and share your powerful message with the world.
"ABCs of Speaking" literally covers the world of speaking from A to Z
and even if you already consider yourself a professional speaker you're
guaranteed to pick up a few nuggets that can help you take things to the
next level with your speaking. Get more gigs, make more money and impact
more lives today!