Second Ed. Perfect Binding. The legal underpinnings of world wide
cruising and sailing. Written in an informal style, for ordinary
sailors, but with numerous footnotes and internet references to make it
easy to find additional information and verify that it is current. This
is not a lawyer's manual, but even a lawyer could learn something. One
of it's tips could save you the price of the book. Subjects include:
Customs Enforcement, Pilotage, Licenses, State & Federal Regulations,
Notice of Arrival, Definitions & Terms, Clearance & High Seas Law,
Documentation, Passports & Visas, Being Boarded, Piracy, Salvage,
Innocent Passage, Law of the Sea, State Sales/Use & Property Taxes, War
Ships, Safety at Night, Residency, Near Shore Obstacles, Bibliography,
Suggested Reading, many tables, some pictures, with an Index & a large
Table of Contents, etc. Professional seaman, cruiser, or practicing law,
"Smuggling" should be near at hand. In 6x9 format, for easy carrying and
frequent references near the helm.