The thunderous conclusion to the award-winning fantasy epic...
Following Stronghold's destruction, Rukh and Jessira lead the ragged
remnants of the OutCastes on the long march to Ashoka. There they seek
sanctuary for her people, but in order to do so they must overcome
unyielding law that demands exile for all ghrinas. Meanwhile, Hal'El
Wrestiva - exposed and reviled as the Withering Knife murderer - escapes
from Ashoka and hatches one final scheme to resuscitate his soiled
reputation. The Virtuous, a newly formed organization full of certitude
and strife, plots the destruction of House Shektan. And Li-Choke and the
Baels launch a final desperate plan to save their kind as well as all of
Humanity. But it is Rukh who must confront the harshest of choices. It
is one that will cost him everything he loves but might also see to the
salvation of his home. He cannot falter, for Suwraith has once again
turned her ruinous intentions toward Ashoka.