Whether the Phoenicians and t he In the south-west of the Iberian
Carthaginians ever actually worked Peninsula there is a vast pyritic the
mines, or were merely traders, is mineral ised zone, known as the not
certain, but after 205 BC, when Andevallo, extending from near they
defeated the Carthagi nians, the Seville to south of Lisbon, an area
Romans brought their own men skilled some 150 kilometres long and 30 in
mining and metallurgy. kilometres wide. The Romans occupied most of the
The Rio Tinta Mines, which are the Iberian Peninsula for 600 years,
largest of this "pyrites belt", lie until about 425 AD - the most recent
in the region known as Andalusia, Roman coins found at Rio Tinto show
some 90 kilometres north-west of the head of Honorius who was emperor
Seville and 75 kilometres north-east from 395 to 423 AD. Mining must of
Huelv8 . They have a very long have declined with the invasion of
history, dating back to pre-Iberian Barbarians in the 5th century and
the times; then came the Iberians, a race subsequent entr y of the
Visigoths who of North African origin (Turdetarian were eventually
absorbed into the and Tartessian), the Phoenicians, the people of Spain.
In 711 AD the Carthaginians, the Romans, the Moors, Moors invaded the
Peninsula from the Spaniards and the British. It North Africa.