Mathematical Modeling and Immunology An enormous amount of human effort
and economic resources has been directed in this century to the fight
against cancer. The purpose, of course, has been to find strategies to
overcome this hard, challenging and seemingly endless struggle. We can
readily imagine that even greater efforts will be required in the next
century. The hope is that ultimately humanity will be successful;
success will have been achieved when it is possible to activate and
control the immune system in its competition against neoplastic cells.
Dealing with the above-mentioned problem requires the fullest pos- sible
cooperation among scientists working in different fields: biology, im-
munology, medicine, physics and, we believe, mathematics. Certainly, bi-
ologists and immunologists will make the greatest contribution to the
re- search. However, it is now increasingly recognized that mathematics
and computer science may well able to make major contributions to such
prob- lems. We cannot expect mathematicians alone to solve fundamental
prob- lems in immunology and (in particular) cancer research, but
valuable sup- port, however modest, can be provided by mathematicians to
the research aspirations of biologists and immunologists working in this