BY J. C. ANCEAUX Since the appearance of Brugmann's famous article on
the relation- ships of the Indo-European languages in 1884, the subject
of sub- grouping of languages as a methodological problem has been
raised only occasionally. To this apparent lack of interest in a major
point in comparative linguistics several causes can be assigned. One of
them is that a consensus has been reached about the main outlines of the
family-tree for the language-family which has received more attention
than any other: the Indo-European. Another explanation is that for most
of the branches of this family historical materials are available which
have proved very valuable for the reconstruction of the inter- mediate
stages between the proto-Ianguage ande the modem languages. For a few
branches only has the problem of subgrouping been a matter for
discussion (e.g. Germanic). Special attention, however, could be
expected from those who started to apply the comparative methods to
other language-families. This attention did come forward, though not
immediately, because linguists first had to deal with the problems of
proving the existence of the family in question and deciding which
languages belonged to it. For the Austronesian languages serious attemps
to arrive at a lin- guistic classification started relatively late.
Certain cases of closer relationships were obvious enough to be
recognized very early ( e.g.